Friday, March 28, 2008

Don't Double Down on 21

I truly believe that sometimes when a book gets made into a movie that there is hope among those faithful to the writer and to the the great story which resulted in the movie getting made.

Not the case in 21.

The book that it was written after was Ben Mezerich's "Bringing Down The House" which I read on a plane on my way to Las Vegas. I am definitely no card counter and just read the book hoping to learn a thing or two on actually how to play Blackjack. It was a great book, kept me up the whole five hours on the trip to Vegas while everyone else slept. However seeing this movie just completely puts the book to shame. Total and complete shame.

I'm not going to go into the complete discrepancies of the film but jeesh I'm surprised they did not even take the title away from it. I'll leave you with a few of the discrepancies.

1st - The main character was Chinese. A white kid walking into a casino with a ton of cash whose name does not end in "vos" or nicked named "Greasy Bear" would be a red flag. Most high rollers are of Asian persuasion (ha rhymes)

2nd - These kids made a helluva lot more money and just did not stay in Vegas. Please remember they are from MIT and are arguably the smartest human beings on the planet.

3rd - No one ratted anyone out. Again MIT = Smart.

4th - It was about money only not to pay for law/medical school.

Besides my quarrel with the film the lead character was asleep it seemed for half the movie. He seemed like a blend from Jim from "The Office" and a even bigger pussified Peter Parker. Moping around and being I can't talk to the cute girl and being all shy. I mean Judas Priest he truly killed this movie.

Kate Bosworth is sinking faster than the Titanic with her career choices. The sooner that they get working on the next Superman Kate will probably thought she had won the lottery.

Kevin Spacey saves the movie from not being a complete waste.

And one more fact, when is Laurence Fishburne going to get out of his head that he isn't Morpheus anymore and stop talking down.

If you are truly intrigued by this story or film, as you can tell this is my opinion, watch this documentary on the REAL MIT Blackjack team - Anything to win

To conclude, I wouldn't even bet the table minimum on a film that should be sitting on the shelf in Blockbuster.

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